Friday, March 28, 2008

Preparing the land - First Stage

The durian tree is very tall and rises over most of the other trees in the area

The cut bamboo can also be used to make a skimpy bridge over  a stream

Close up of bamboo bridge over stream

Preparing the land for planting will probably take six months. There will be three stages of work :-

1. First Stage - Weeding and clearing the undergrowth of the primary jungle.

2. Second Stage - Cutting the bamboo trees using parang shears.

3. Third Stage - Cutting the old rubber trees using chain-saw.

First stage work started in January 2008 with a team of three experienced female farmers. As the landscape was undulating, it took a number of days for us to work through the primary jungle. It was only the 2nd week that we felt we have carved something out. It wasn't easy to maneuver through the eastside of the land. Even the little slopes seem forever, difficult to climb and back breaking ! The rewards though were the cold clear streams, so clear that we can see the tiny fishes with their multi-coloured tails swimming and teasing our feet ...

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