Friday, April 25, 2008

Rising tea prices

As I was still having some more fresh tea samples from the tea gardens in West Java , I continued to visit more tea blenders in the city ... when I gave quotations , I usually look at their facial expressions. A couple of calls ... I know whether my prices are going to be well-received. Once in a while, eyes popped out if we have a really good deal !

Yesterday, I had my tea tasting with the two famous brothers of Setapak. Each time I visited them, they would share their latest invoices and receipts from suppliers. Well, what do you know ! Indeed the tea prices had gone up at the weekly tea auctions, in tandem with global commodity market. The surge in demand is obvious. Almost all the receipts showed a hike of 40% for CTC and orthodox teas.

I left with a good feeling, a commitment for a 1st container order in July ... when their inventory runs down.

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